Eurasolis turns three

In 2021, Euralis launched Eurasolis, its solar energy sector for members who wish to produce low-carbon energy at their farms. In three years, Eurasolis has grown, joined forces with Inthy and expanded its offer. The recent government decree on the development of agrivoltaics is another step forward.


Eurasolis is growing fast, and now employs a team of around 15 experts to support farmers wishing to start producing green energy. “With Euralis, we draw on our knowledge of the region and the close relationship we have with farmers. Inthy’s experience and expertise in renewable energies is a real asset,” explains Gérald Brun, Managing Director of Eurasolis.


Solar energy to support agriculture

What sets Eurasolis apart from its competitors is that it puts solar energy at the service of farming rather than the other way round, and offers a complete range of services, from the design to the construction of solar power plants. “We’ve expanded our offer to adapt to a constantly evolving market,” adds Gérald Brun. “So we offer various packages: solar plants are developed on the farmers’ premises on existing roofs or new buildings. They can also be built as third-party investments. In this case, Eurasolis invests on behalf of farmers who are unwilling or unable to do so. Last but not least, and this is our latest development, we are now offering agrivoltaics. This is a major area of development for Eurasolis.”


Guaranteed additional income over the long term

“We offer farmers the development of a tailor-made solar power plant,” explains Laurent Capdevielle, Eurasolis commercial developer. “For them, this provides a guarantee of additional income that remains in their farm. Secured for 20 or 30 years, depending on the package chosen, this income is not subject to uncertain weather or fluctuations in the energy market.”


A new decree on agrivoltaics to regulate practices

The French government’s Renewable Energy Production Acceleration Act (APER) published in March 2023 has officially defined agrivoltaics (art. 54). The recent Decree no. 2024-318 of April 8, 2024 provides a regulatory framework for its development, specifying the conditions for setting up solar panel installations on agricultural, natural or forested land. Administrative authorisations will be granted if the following conditions are met:

  • The farmer operating the plot must be in business;
  • The solar panel system must provide at least one of the following four services and must not adversely affect the others:




–          Improved agronomic potential and impact  

Improved agronomic qualities of the soil

+ Yield increase, yield maintenance or, failing that, yield loss less significant than the departmental trend


–          Adapting to climate change  

Limiting the adverse effects of climate change:

✓ Increasing or maintaining yields

✓ Improving the quality of agricultural production

–          Protection against natural hazards  

Protection against at least one form of occasional and exogenous natural hazards



–          Improved animal welfare  

Improved thermal comfort for animals:

Lower temperature underneath the installations

+ Improved living conditions for animals



  • Agricultural production must be significant: maximum coverage rate of 40% of the plot for installations > 10 MWp / non-operable areas < 10% of the plot / yield greater than 90% of the yield of the control area for crops;
  • Income from the farm must be sustainable: average income from the sale of crops and livestock after the installation must be greater than or equal to the average income before the installation;
  • The installation must be reversible.


Agrivoltaics supporting the development of the sector

“We are delighted with the publication of the recent governmental decree on agrivoltaics, which will support our offer for farmers. And Eurasolis has the legitimacy to lead this type of project because we know how to combine agricultural and solar panel projects. We target all types of livestock: free-range poultry, ducks & geese, cattle, as well as sheep and pigs. We are also thinking about market gardening and orchard farming, as well as field crops. This approach is in line with our desire to promote and preserve production channels,” explains Christophe Grandeur, Eurasolis innovation project manager.


Eurasolis aims to maintain this momentum, and hopes to reach a capacity of 1 GWp installed by 2030.


Testimonials from Jean-Claude and Bernard Joan, Euralis farmers in Arrien, Southwest France

“We got involved in solar panels two years ago, after discovering the existence of Eurasolis at a Section Assembly. It was reassuring for us to work with this Euralis entity: we wanted to be supported by teams who have agriculture in their DNA and who have a good knowledge of the region and the constraints faced by farmers. We also wanted to deal with a solid, stable company. The project took place in two stages. It involved renovating the roofs on two existing buildings where we store agricultural equipment on the farm (which is 80 ha, mainly corn, with occasional soy and wheat, plus pasture land). The first phase of the project started in June 2022, and the second, a year later. Commissioning took place in November 2023, with a capacity of 191 kWp. This diversification into green energy production was a natural move for us. From an economic point of view, it’s an investment, albeit a long-term one, but a profitable one. And a guaranteed regular income. The roof renovation was also a good time for us to remove asbestos. We’re now looking at two new projects in the coming years, this time involving agrivoltaics: a new sheepfold to house sheep, and shade structures to improve their comfort in our pastures. We want to lead this new adventure with Mathis Delecourt, a young farmer apprentice studying in Vic-en-Bigorre who spends much time on the farm, alternating periods at school with practical experience with us. With his mother, he has a flock of around 100 sheep. His boundless energy and determination encourage us to bring this new long-term adventure to a successful conclusion.”


Eurasolis in figures

  • 150 solar power generation projects launched in 9 departments in Southwest France
  • For a production capacity of 100MWp
  • 200,000m² of solar panels installed on roofs
  • 95 buildings renovated
  • 76 equipment or forage storage buildings constructed
  • 12 farms already equipped with solar power plants
  • 1 power plant commissioned every week




Press contact: Nathalie Salmon – +33(0)6 48 08 52 88 –

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