Partnership activities


These activities include managing our minority shareholdings, steering our activities outside the regions covered by our cooperative and our strategic partnerships.

All of these activities help our members diversify their production, develop their farms, and safeguard their revenues via contract farming in high-growth markets.

Million € net turnover

Producer of processed vegetables
in southwest France

Tonnes of soybeans crushed
each years

Tonnes of maize delivered
to the BSO Biofuel plant
in Lescar (SW France)


Partenaire Eualis - Sanders Euralis
Bonduelle partenaire Euralis
Partenaire Eualis - Géant Vert


Partnership in the vegetable sector

500 cooperative farmers produce sweetcorn and green vegetables in 2023 in cooperation with Green Giant and Bonduelle.

Partnerships in the livestock nutrition sector

Sojalim supplies local GMO-free sectors including the Carrefour Quality Line, particularly for pork and poultry, the reference brands for fattened duck, the Ossau Iraty PDO network, the Porc Noir de Bigorre PGI and the Kintoa Basque pork.


Euralis, partenariats pour les légumes
Groupe Euralis - Partenariat pour la nutrition animale

Ethanol sector

140,000 tonnes of maize were delivered to the BSO biofuel plant in Lacq (SW France) in 2022.

Organic farming and other quality marks

10,000 ha of total organic area sown over the 22-23 financial year, including 9,050 ha of organic cereals, oilseeds, protein crops, pulses and fodder, including 712 ha of organic green vegetables and 235 ha of seed production; 300 organic cooperators, 4.3 million Label Rouge poultry sold to abattoirs in the regions covered by the cooperative and 4 million ducks of which 2 million are Sud-Ouest PGI.


Euralis activités en partenariat - Filière Ethanol
Agriculture biologique et autres signes de qualité