Eurasolis has been helping farmers plan and implement roof solar panel systems

One year ago, Euralis launched Eurasolis, its solar energy sector for members who wish to invest in and produce low-carbon energy at their farms. This is just one way to earn substantial, guaranteed revenues for at least twenty years. To best help farmers diversify their income sources, the cooperative has called on complementary, qualified, reliable and competitive players in the sector. Cancé is one of these privileged partners. Fifty or so farmers have already implemented green energy production projects.


For a year now, Eurasolis specialists have been providing personalised support to farmers to help them produce solar energy from beginning to end. Firstly, the farm advisors work on putting together a file, taking into consideration administrative, economic and financial aspects (drawing up a business plan), including grant applications. The Eurasolis engineering office is responsible for assessing the technical feasibility of each project, from the design stage to the submission of a technical and economic file.

Once the farmer has made a commitment, a “Farm Economics” expert systematically carries out a strategic interview to ensure that all the economic, legal, fiscal and social impacts have been properly assessed, for the farmer’s estate, farm business, etc. The next step is installing the solar panel system at the farm.

“These are always customised projects. They may involve new buildings or enhancing existing roofs of buildings used for livestock or storage. In all cases, we support farmers throughout the project, including after the system is installed, since maintenance is also provided. And what sets us apart from our competitors is that we implement solar energy projects to support farms and not the other way round (adaptable cash flow plan, tax plan, personalised project, overall economic outlook of the farm with our strategic interview, etc.)”, explains Christophe Grandeur, Market Manager at Euralis’s Agricultural Division.


Guaranteed additional income over 20 years


“We offer farmers the opportunity to invest in capacities of up to 500 kWp via the development of a tailor-made solar power plant”, highlights David Lajournade, Technical Manager for Eurasolis. “For them, this provides a guarantee of additional income that remains in their farm. As it is secured for 20 years, this income is not subject to natural hazards”. For a 300 kW solar plant, additional revenues can reach up to 1,000 euros per month depending on the project. On average, the power of the installed plants is 300 kWp.


Providing the best possible consulting to farmers

To ensure the success of these projects, the Euralis Group has created Eurasolis, a specific entity for the production of solar energy. It has recruited and trained specialists in this matter who are capable of providing the best possible consulting to farmers. It also works with qualified and competitive manufacturers, including the metalworking company Cancé. “This local partnership with the cooperative allows us to apply our expertise for the benefit of farmers. Thanks to our know-how in metal frameworks, we are able to help them with their new building projects, which are enhanced by Eurasolis thanks to roof solar panels”, explains Bertrand Cancé, Managing Director of Cancé.


The first projects are under way

Fifty or so farmers have already launched a solar energy production project and around 500 more have expressed an interest in this type of diversification.

For Euralis’s Agricultural Division, it is a matter of supporting the development of its sectors by offering farmers resilient production that complements the crop and livestock production workshops”, concludes Laurent Dubain, Managing Director of the Agricultural Division. Solar energy production is therefore at the heart of the division’s strategy.